
Erping Li

  2015 won the international IEEE Richard Stoddard Award for Outstanding Performance (this is the award since its inception in 1979, the first Asian award-winning scientists, each year the world only awarded an outstanding scientist)
  2014 won the Zhejiang University Institute of letters and telecommunications contribution award
  2013 by the Australian Institute of electromagnetic compatibility awarded the "Outstanding Contribution Award", is awarded to the first Chinese scholars in recent years, awards
  2012 Best Paper Award for "Effective resistance approach for DC analysis of power grid on through silicon interposer", IEEE EDAPS, 2012
  2012 PhD candidates are awarded the 2012 Best Student Paper Award by the Asia-Pacific Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility
  2012 IEEE EMC Best Long Service Award
  2011 by the IEEE Sustainable Development Award (IEEE Sustainable Development Award), Long Beach, USA
  2009 selected the first batch of "thousands of people plan"
  2009 Best Paper Award & quot; Novel methods for modeling of multiple vias in multilayer parallel-plate structures & quot; IEEE Trans on Microwave Theory and Techniques vol. 57, n0.7, 2009, by A-STAR IHPC, Singapore
  2009 Outstanding Poster Paper Award for "Plamonics for integration of on-chip nano-opto-electronic system", A-STAR Scientific Conference 2009, Singapore
  2008 was elected IEEE Fellow (IEEE: Fellow of Institution of Electrical, Electronic Engineers, IEEE Fellow is awarded the world's electrical and electronic information computer field to make outstanding achievements in the highest academic honorary title)
  2008 Singapore A * STAR Borderless Award
  2007 Fellow of the Electromagnetics Academy (USA)
  2007 Singapore Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award "in recognition of its new electromagnetic environment detection system of outstanding research results"
  2007 IEEE Distinguished Lecturer-EMC, "Recognized for Outstanding Research in High-Speed Electromagnetic Compatibility". The honorary title is awarded only in the field of research with international standards of scholars.
  2006 Selected as "Changjiang Scholar" Professor of Ministry of Education in 2006
  2006 Awarded IEEE Technical Achievement on EMC, the award is presented to researchers and scholars who have made outstanding achievements in the field of specialization. The applicant is the second Asian scholar to receive this award
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