
Hongsheng Chen

Opening Positions in Metamaterials, Electromagnetics, Photonic Crystals, Graphenes, Topological Insulators, and Plasmonics.

Ph.D. Student
We are recruiting highly motivated students with strong research interests to pursue Ph.D. degree in the areas of electromagnetics, metamaterials, invisibility cloaks, and plasmonics.

Professors and Postdoc Researchers
We are seeking 2~3 full/associate/assistant professors or postdoc researchers with solid background in any of the following areas: metamaterials, plasmonics, electromagnetics, photonic crystals, graphenes, and topological insulators . Excellent written English and oral communication skills are required.

Applicants should send their full CV (including a description of their background, research interests, publications) and contact information for three references via email to Prof. Hongsheng Chen (